Simple, Fantastical, Communicative, and Consistent
We live through our senses, and yearn for sensation. The way we perceive our world defines the way we interact with it. Grand design is a love language between thoughtful communication and aesthetic interpretation. My design is a focus on simplicity, sequence, high contrast, heavy consistent color connected to a meaning/feeling or to represent sequence, and high use of shadow and lighting to create dimension. All of my productions including video, audio, software, web development, and documents all follow my design decorum.
–Personal Design Decorum–
Power of RGB – Red Green Blue Emphasis:
The additive primary colors of Red, Green, and Blue are able to communicate a multitude of information. When blending colors of light, the composition of everything can be broken down into these three primary colors and added to create any color in the 256 spectrum. Due to the total separation of color between the values of RGB, section breaks and category organization can be inferred when using the colors on design. This way, there are clear distinctions between content. This website is a prime example of such an organizational method. The RGB color scheme is also easily organized into sequence due to both the cultural impact and physical reality of the nature of these colors. Independently when in lighting, red in western culture represents danger, green is a representation of naturalism/safety, and blue represents authority, When all three are placed together in the red, green, and blue sequence, the colors take on different meanings in a priority order. Blue/Indigo is the highest frequency wavelength and most harsh on the eye to most viewers is considered highest rank, followed by green, and then red as the least authoritative. This is a ratio in accordance to the visible light spectrum’s digression.
Power of Color Connected Emotion:
Specific colors and combination of colors (color schemes) are used to create feelings and emotions both consciously and subliminally. I enjoy heavy use of high contrast and neon color correction in my productions and design, specifically the colors teal, orange, and green. Teal and orange in combination of light are very appealing to the human eye due to their stark contrast on the color wheel, and because of an essential biological connection to teal as fresh water and orange as sunlight drawing the viewer to keep looking at the enjoy and experience visual pleasure. The colors applied as filters and effects of teal, orange, green, and red are very prominent in my independent film “Juncture”. A teal is used to display loss and despair, orange to display power, red to display anger, and green to display foreign science and technology.
Eloquence of Consistency:
Our minds attempt to rationalize and organize what we don’t understand. We find tranquility in what is structured and feel uneasy at what is chaotic. We enjoy consistency, simplicity, and order. My design layouts strive to range in creativity while consistently continuing a familiar structure and order throughout an individuals experience of my product. This website demonstrates range through consistency. If a viewer understands the layout of one section of this site, the other sections should all feel familiar and unthreatening so that a reader can focus on the content itself instead of how to consume the content.
Light and Shadow:
Shape, depth, and definition help attract focus to specifics and can convey conversation in a universal aesthetic domain. My short film “Music Box” displays how both one consistent red color filter and unorganized geometric shapes can convey a strong subconscious emotion of anxiety when only observing a cliche, despite the clarity of image that only allows the predominantly viewing of light and shadow.